Family fun for all weather at the National Museum of Rural Life this summer
From the farm’s latest arrivals to the ever-popular historic farm house and museum, there’s plenty of family fun to be had this summer come rain or shine at the National Museum of Rural Life in East Kilbride. Free Nature Track Packs will return with exciting ideas and activities to help the whole family enjoy a day exploring the Scottish countryside, thanks to the support of players of People’s Postcode Lottery.
Families can meet the Museum’s latest arrivals, two adorable Highland calves affectionately known as Maisie and Ishbel. They can be visited at the Museum’s historic working farm alongside Tamworth pigs, Russell the cockerel and this year’s new lambs. Visitors can also see Anna and Gina, two magnificent Clydesdale horses, and can enjoy watching the milking of the Ayrshire dairy herd at 3.15pm each afternoon.
The modern museum is just a short walk or tractor ride from the farm. Families can explore galleries displaying objects that tell the fascinating story of Scotland’s rural past, including Scotland’s largest collection of tractors, combine harvesters and other farm machinery.
Vicky McLean, General Manager of the National Museum of Rural Life, said:
“The National Museum of Rural Life is the perfect destination for the whole family to visit this summer. We are delighted to offer a variety of fun activities for free thanks to the generous support of players of People’s Postcode Lottery and hope our young visitors enjoy learning more about Scotland’s folk traditions and visiting our adorable new arrivals on the farm.”
Our popular series of Tractor Tots, playful sensory singalong sessions for under-fives and their adults, continues throughout July. Later this year, families can also look forward to the return of MooFest, celebrating all things cattle with a weekend of hands-on activities, talks and family fun on 14 & 15 September.
Funds are raised by players of People’s Postcode Lottery and awarded through Postcode Culture Trust.
The National Museum of Rural Life is open seven days a week from 10am until 5pm.
Tickets can be booked online at nms.ac.uk/rural-life
Annual Pass – pay once, visit all year
Annual Pass prices
Adult (16+) £10, Over 65’s £9, Concession* £8, Child (5-15) £7, (under 5’s free**)
15% family discount when up to three Child (5-15) tickets alongside up to two Adult, Over 65 or Concession tickets (max 5 tickets total) purchased***
National Museums Scotland members free
National Trust for Scotland members free
Discounts available for groups of 10 or more.
School visits free; some workshop charges apply.
* Concessions: Student, Unemployed, Disabled, Young Scot. Valid ID required.
**Additional charge for some events.
***Cannot be used with member tickets or any other discount or offer.
Notes to editors
- National Museums Scotland is one of the leading museum groups in the UK and Europe and it looks after collections of national and international importance. The organisation provides loans, partnerships, research and training in Scotland and internationally. Our individual museums are the National Museum of Scotland, the National Museum of Flight, the National Museum of Rural Life and the National War Museum. The National Museums Collection Centre in Edinburgh houses conservation and research facilities as well as collections not currently on display.
Twitter: @NtlMuseumsScot
Facebook: www.facebook.com/NationalMuseumsScotland
Instagram: @NationalMuseumsScotland
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