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Curator Dr Rebekah Higgitt and the Ilay Glynne dial at the National Museum of Scotland. Photo © Stewart Attwood (1)

Spectacular Enlightenment sundial acquired by National Museums Scotland

National Museums Scotland has announced the acquisition of an ornate early 18th-century sundial of exceptional precision and design. The Ilay Glynne dial, which is now on display at the National Museum of Scotland in Edinburgh, is a masterpiece of both art and science.  

Krusatodon kirtlingtonesis artist impression credit Maija Karala

Fossil discovery reveals mammals grew more slowly in the Jurassic than they do today

Two unique Jurassic fossil discoveries from the Isle of Skye have shown that mammals in the time of the dinosaurs grew more slowly and lived longer than mammals today. 

2. Curator Dr Meredith Greiling puts the finishing touches to Cold War Scotland, a new exhibition opening at the National Museum of (

Rùintean-dìomhair niuclasach na h-Alba gan innse ann an taisbeanadh ùr

Cold War Scotland/ Cogadh Fuar na h-Alba

13 Iuchar 2024 gu 26 Faoilleach 2025

Taigh-tasgaidh Nàiseanta na h-Alba, Sràid Chambers, Dùn Èideann

Prìs a-steach: An-asgaidh