
43 items found, showing page 1 of 4

Knitted bonnet and personal belongings discovered on Arnish Moor, Lewis, 18th century. Image National Museums Scotland RESIZE-2

Mystery of the Arnish Moor Man explored in new exhibition

Objects recovered from a mysterious 250-year-old burial on Arnish Moor on the Isle of Lewis, star in a new exhibition, opening today. The exceptionally well-preserved knitted bonnet and personal belongings of a young man, on loan from National Museums Scotland, are displayed for the first time in a generation at Kinloch Historical Society. 

Elgol Dinosaur artist impression credit Maija Karala

Jurassic dinosaur from the Isle of Skye revealed

A fossil first spotted in Skye over 50 years ago has finally been extracted from the base of the cliff where it was found and, following analysis, formally identified as a Jurassic dinosaur.

Curator Dr Sarah Laurenson with objects from the collection of National Museums Scotland to be studied as part of new Gaelic language project, Tha Sgeul Ri Innse [credit Duncan McGlynn]-9

New research project to reveal Gaelic stories behind museum objects

Powder horns from the 17th to 19th century, a road sign from Skye and a handmade crogan, or earthenware pot, are among 100 objects to be reappraised in a new project which aims to reveal the Gaelic stories and connections behind material held in the National Collection.

Curator Dr Sarah Laurenson with objects from the collection of National Museums Scotland to be studied as part of new Gaelic language project, Tha Sgeul Ri Innse [credit Duncan McGlynn]-9

Pròiseact rannsachaidh ùr gus na sgeulachdan Gàidhlig air cùl stuthan taigh-tasgaidh a shealltainn

 Tha adhaircean pùdair bhon 17mh chun 19mh linn, soidhne-rathaid às an Eilean Sgitheanach agus crogan crèadha am measg 100 rud a thèid ath-mheasadh ann am pròiseact ùr a tha ag amas air na sgeulachdan agus na ceanglaichean Gàidhlig air cùl stuth a tha sa Chruinneachadh Nàiseanta fhoillseachadh.

Runic inscriptions on the Galloway Hoard © National Museums Scotland

New runic translation reveals community ownership of the Galloway Hoard

On the eve of its unveiling in Adelaide on the first leg of an international tour, the first translation of a runic inscription on an arm ring from the Viking-age Galloway Hoard has cast fascinating new light on who might have owned the famous treasure. 

The Galloway Hoard. Image (c) National Museums Scotland

Galloway Hoard to begin international tour

An exhibition of The Galloway Hoard, the richest find of rare and unique Viking-age objects ever made in Britain or Ireland, will open early next year in Adelaide, as the first leg of an international tour. Treasures of the Viking Age: The Galloway Hoard will be on show at the South Australian Museum from 8 February to 27 July 2025.

Grand Gallery at the National Museum of Scotland. © National Museums Scotland 01

Trustees reappointed to the Board of National Museums Scotland

The Deputy First Minister and Cabinet Secretary for Economy and Gaelic, Ms Forbes, today announced the reappointment of Motaram Mimi Brophy, Graeme Gibson and Professor Ian Wall to the Board of Trustees of National Museums Scotland

National Museums Scotland curators Dr Matthew Knight and Bethany Simpson examine archaeological human remains. Photo © Duncan McGlynn

New project to enhance care and curation of archaeological human remains in Scottish museum collections

The care and curation of archaeological human remains in Scottish museum collections is to be enhanced thanks to a major new project funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC).

Pip, Sweep, Tweed, Gem and Jura. Images (c) RHET

Collie dogs from Highland farms to teach maths to children across Scotland

Five border collies will take the lead in a series of online maths lessons created by the Royal Highland Education Trust (RHET). Collie Dog Maths Tales will introduce Scottish primary school children to real maths problems on farms across Scotland. These events are part of the Maths Week Scotland programme, which runs from 23 - 29 September 2024, coordinated by National Museums Scotland and funded by the Scottish Government.  

daguerreotype, depicting two girls (probably sisters) by an unknown photographer, 1840s - 1850s

Major collection of photography spanning a century is saved for the nation

An important collection of photography and photographic equipment has been saved for the nation and allocated to National Museums Scotland under the Acceptance in Lieu scheme. 

The lidded vessel from the Galloway Hoard. Image © National Museums Scotland only added width

Distant origin of star object from the Galloway Hoard revealed ahead of its first public display

On the 10th anniversary of its discovery, new research and conservation has revealed the West Asian origin of the lidded vessel which contained many of the unique treasures that comprise the Viking-age Galloway Hoard, and which will go on public display for the first time later this month. 

Grant Stott presents 7-year-old William Lunsden with his winning Mathscot design at the National Museum of Scotland. Photo (c) Duncan McGlynn (2)

Maths Week Scotland reveals winning “Mathscot” ahead of 2024 events

Maths Week Scotland: 23 - 29 September 2024 