
10 items found

Curator Dr Sarah Laurenson with objects from the collection of National Museums Scotland to be studied as part of new Gaelic language project, Tha Sgeul Ri Innse [credit Duncan McGlynn]-9

New research project to reveal Gaelic stories behind museum objects

Powder horns from the 17th to 19th century, a road sign from Skye and a handmade crogan, or earthenware pot, are among 100 objects to be reappraised in a new project which aims to reveal the Gaelic stories and connections behind material held in the National Collection.

Curator Dr Sarah Laurenson with objects from the collection of National Museums Scotland to be studied as part of new Gaelic language project, Tha Sgeul Ri Innse [credit Duncan McGlynn]-9

Pròiseact rannsachaidh ùr gus na sgeulachdan Gàidhlig air cùl stuthan taigh-tasgaidh a shealltainn

 Tha adhaircean pùdair bhon 17mh chun 19mh linn, soidhne-rathaid às an Eilean Sgitheanach agus crogan crèadha am measg 100 rud a thèid ath-mheasadh ann am pròiseact ùr a tha ag amas air na sgeulachdan agus na ceanglaichean Gàidhlig air cùl stuth a tha sa Chruinneachadh Nàiseanta fhoillseachadh.

The Galloway Hoard. Image (c) National Museums Scotland

Galloway Hoard to begin international tour

An exhibition of The Galloway Hoard, the richest find of rare and unique Viking-age objects ever made in Britain or Ireland, will open early next year in Adelaide, as the first leg of an international tour. Treasures of the Viking Age: The Galloway Hoard will be on show at the South Australian Museum from 8 February to 27 July 2025.

Conservator Diana de Bellaigue removes tarnish from the Mary, Queen of Scots casket. Copyright Duncan McGlynn (5)

Casket believed to have belonged to Mary, Queen of Scots to go on tour

A silver casket believed to have been owned by Mary, Queen of Scots and which was acquired by National Museums Scotland in 2022 has undergone fresh conservation work ahead of going on tour to Kirkcudbright and Stirling.  

Quaich, silver, by Matthew Colquhoun, Ayr, c1685 © Stewart Attwood-2

Uniquely Scottish Silver

Uniquely Scottish Silver  
5 August 2023 to 26 May 2024 
National Museum of Scotland, Chambers Street, Edinburgh

Declaration of Arbroath 2 credit Mike Brooks © King's Printer for Scotland, National Records of Scotland, SP13-7

Declaration of Arbroath to go on Public Display for the First Time in 18 Years at the National Museum of Scotland

Saturday June 3 to Sunday 2 July 2023

Admission Free


The Declaration of Arbroath will be displayed at the National Museum of Scotland this summer for the first time in 18 years. The display has been organised in partnership between National Museums Scotland and National Records of Scotland, who are custodians of the document. The famous document will be on show from 3 June to 2 July 2023.

Two portraits of members of the Chief of Clan Grant’s household, ‘The Piper’ and ‘The Champion’ are now on display in the National Museum of Scotland.

18th century clan portraits go on display at the National Museum of Scotland

Two portraits of important members of the Chief of Clan Grant’s household are now on display in the National Museum of Scotland.  

Arthur's Seat Coffins. Copyright National Museums Scotland (3)

Anatomy: A Matter of Death and Life

A major new exhibition at the National Museum of Scotland looks at the history of anatomical study, from artistic explorations by Leonardo da Vinci to the Burke and Hare murders.

Helen Wyld, Senior Curator of Historic Textiles at National Museums Scotland, with the 17th century embroidery. Photo © Stewart Attwood WEB

National Museums Scotland acquires rare embroidery and launches new conservation internships

A rare embroidery dating from the early seventeenth century has been acquired by National Museums Scotland. The exquisite textile has been acquired with the support of textile collector and philanthropist Leslie B. Durst and coincides with the announcement of three Leslie B. Durst Textile Conservation Internships.

Arthur's Seat Coffins. Copyright National Museums Scotland (3)-2

Anatomy: A Matter of Death and Life

A major new exhibition at the National Museum of Scotland will look at the history of anatomical study, from artistic explorations by Leonardo da Vinci to the Burke and Hare murders.