133 items found, showing page 3 of 12

Public appointment: Trustees appointed to the Board of National Museums Scotland
The Deputy First Minister and Cabinet Secretary for Economy and Gaelic, Ms Forbes, today announced the appointment of Hermione Cockburn, Judith Cruickshank, Alistair Hetherington, Sally Mackay and Niki McKenzie to the Board of Trustees of National Museums Scotland.

Spectacular Enlightenment sundial acquired by National Museums Scotland
National Museums Scotland has announced the acquisition of an ornate early 18th-century sundial of exceptional precision and design. The Ilay Glynne dial, which is now on display at the National Museum of Scotland in Edinburgh, is a masterpiece of both art and science.

Fossil discovery reveals mammals grew more slowly in the Jurassic than they do today
Two unique Jurassic fossil discoveries from the Isle of Skye have shown that mammals in the time of the dinosaurs grew more slowly and lived longer than mammals today.

Rùintean-dìomhair niuclasach na h-Alba gan innse ann an taisbeanadh ùr
Cold War Scotland/ Cogadh Fuar na h-Alba
13 Iuchar 2024 gu 4 Faoilleach 2026
Taigh-tasgaidh Nàiseanta na h-Alba, Sràid Chambers, Dùn Èideann
Prìs a-steach: An-asgaidh

Scotland’s nuclear secrets revealed in new exhibition
Cold War Scotland
13 July 2024 to 4 January 2026
National Museum of Scotland, Chambers Street, Edinburgh
Admission: Free

Bidh an taisbeanadh geama bhidio eadar-ghnìomhach as motha san t-saoghal a’ fosgladh ann an Dùn Èideann air an deireadh-sheachdain seo
Game On
29 Ògmhios gu 3 Samhain 2024
Taigh-tasgaidh Nàiseanta na h-Alba, Sràid Chambers, Dùn Èideann

The National Museum of Flight is flying high with new tours and activities this summer
Visitors can become Second World War codebreakers at the National Museum of Flight this summer. Supported by players of People’s Postcode Lottery, families will be transported back in time with new activities, tours and a wartime themed puzzle room on the Museum’s historic airfield.

Family fun for all weather at the National Museum of Rural Life this summer
From the farm’s latest arrivals to the ever-popular historic farm house and museum, there’s plenty of family fun to be had this summer come rain or shine at the National Museum of Rural Life in East Kilbride. Free Nature Track Packs will return with exciting ideas and activities to help the whole family enjoy a day exploring the Scottish countryside, thanks to the support of players of People’s Postcode Lottery.

World’s largest interactive video game exhibition opens in Edinburgh this weekend
Game On
29 June to 3 November 2024
National Museum of Scotland, Chambers Street, Edinburgh

National Museum of Flight builds Awesome event for LEGO® lovers
Visitors to the National Museum of Flight at East Fortune are set for a fantastic weekend of LEGO® themed activities when the popular Awesome Bricks event returns to the East Lothian attraction on Saturday 15 and Sunday 16 June.

National Museum of Rural Life to celebrate the world of wool
Visitors to the National Museum of Rural Life in East Kilbride will be able to explore a world of wool when the attraction hosts its Woolly Weekend event on Saturday 18 and Sunday 19 May.

Scottish video games celebrated as tickets go on sale for blockbuster exhibition
Tickets for the National Museum of Scotland’s major summer exhibition Game On go on sale today, Tuesday 30 April 2024.